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Karl Jobst DDS Believes The Quality of Skin Links To Dental Health

Recently, a new study found that there is a possible connection between acne and our overall health, especially dental health. Of course, this is a new theory and study with more studies and research needed to conclude it as being true or false. Karl Jobst DDS says there does seem to be a linked connection […]

Parviz Khosrowyar Finds Twins Healthy and Amazing!

What makes people look like another person? Have you ever wondered that? It’s an old belief that there is someone who looks just like you in the world today and they are alive right now! Parviz Khosrowyar is well known in the studies of twins and doppelgangers. According to his findings, as human beings we […]

Clean Skin…Clear Skin

Clean skin… Clear skin this is not always the truth because of weather and health also play a part in the why ones skin is.  You can wash you face every day but still have acne and oily skin problems.  It also depends on the soap or clearer that you use. Some people have extra […]

Healthy Appetite

What is a healthy appetite?  Is it what people tell you to eat .  Lots of vegetable  or vegetables only, All meat diet no carbs. Don’t eat the fats don’t eat animals so what are we to really eat are we to follow blindly what people tell you is good for you or should we […]

Healthy Complexion

The healthy complexion that you have always wanted got ruined when puberty came and went. That beautiful smooth skin of youth was destroyed by acne and will never be the same ever again.  You may not ever return to the complexion of youth but can you remove those acne scars?  There are procedures that can […]

Health Nuts

The world is full of health nuts.  By health nut I mean people obsessed with fitness and diet fads.  The odd diets and herbal concoctions are every where.  How can you tell the voodoo from the science.  Just because it is on TV doesn’t mean that it is actually real.  Yes the will take your […]

There Are Many Different Methods for Measuring Health

Every person is undeniably unique. It is therefore very likely that their goals relating to health are going to differ as well, and sometimes by a very wide margin. It is for this reason that some of the most common measurements for health are not always applicable to each individual, and it is therefore important […]

Live Longer

Is the goal to live longer or to live healthy?  What good is it to be 100 years old if you cant even walk to the bathroom alone.  The quality of life has to be part of the goal.  I don’t want to live a burden on my wife or kids.  The golden years can […]

Acne Problems Solved

Acne problems solved the old fashion way. What is it that makes are face back chest go though this embarrassing youthful problem during the most important time of life when a clear face is all we think of or a pretty face handsome face to star into one another’s eyes dreaming of lives together forever. […]

Healthy Mind

There is always a focus on physical health but what about the mind.  Ken Fisher  is a good example of optimal mind health.  I 2 in 5 Americans suffer from mental  afflictions I would say  mind health needs more attention.  Mind Health is a little harder to diagnose than physical.    If you are in great shape your mind may […]