8 Natural Ways to Improve Your Complexion

There is always something new on the market to help clear up a breakout. Dr. Usha Rajagopal is a board-certified plastic surgeon. She has many patients who worry about their complexion. You may also be worried about your complexion. You want to keep it looking healthy and vibrant. There are many different ways that you can naturally help your complexion. Some that you may not even know about.


Steam is something found anywhere. All you need to do is hop in the sauna or enjoy a hot shower to gain the effects of this phenomenon. Steam helps to open your pores on your face. This will help to decrease the buildup of dirt and dead skin cells. These are the things that add up to create blemishes on the surface.

Healthy Diet 

You have heard it before. A healthy diet will help to keep your complexion clean and clear. That extra piece of chocolate can have a lasting effect on more than just your waistline. There are many fruits and vegetables that have added benefits as well. Make sure to enjoy the added benefits. They’re found in things like red peppers, citrus fruits, strawberries, and broccoli. All these things are highly packed with nutrients and vitamins to make your skin radiant.


I’m sure you have heard that our bodies are over 50% water. This is something to keep in mind when you think of your skin. Without water, the skin will begin to dry out. Make sure to drink plenty of water every day to keep your skin and body hydrated. This will create a youthful glow to your complexion.

Sun Exposure 

We all want that glowing tan that has become so famous today. But, we need to know when enough is enough. We need to be able to curb ourselves from hurting our body while gaining that bronze look. Over sun exposure is the fastest way to drying out skin and creating breakouts. Too much sun can also cause sun damage which can have a lasting effect on the skin. Make sure to check the SPF on sunscreen and never go into the suns rays without it on. The end result will not be promising.

Stress Relief 

Many people don’t know that stress can have a lasting effect on the skin and your complexion. When you’re stressed you have less ability to fight off bacteria and breakouts. This is because of the increase in certain hormones such as cortisol. Find stress reliefs to practice. These can include meditation, yoga or hobbies to take your mind off things. It will help not just your complexion though. Stress takes a toll on every part of your body.

Having Clean Air 

Smoking as we know is bad for your lungs. But, it is also bad for your complexion. This is something that pertains to not just first-hand smoke but second-hand smoke as well. Smoke helps to clog pores and create effects that will not help your complexion.

Limit Dairy 

It is funny to think of it. But there are many different studies confirming the belief. Too much dairy can contribute to breakouts of your complexion. Swap out the dairy for other nutrient-packed choices.


Your body needs rest. You know this. Yet what you may not know is that your skin also needs this rest. It helps to generate new skin cells and keep your skin looking young and refreshed. Make sure you get a full 8 hours of sleep every night.

There are many ways to create a great looking complexion. The first step is to take care of your body. Many surgeons like Dr. Usha Rajagopal will tell you is that what benefits your body will also benefit your complexion. Remember to eat healthily, cleanse frequently and don’t indulge in overexposure to sun and dairy.


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